What is Transgender Limburg?
What is Transgender Limburg?
Transgender Limburg (TGL) is the emancipation and interest group for transgender people in Limburg. Within Limburg, we’re the point of contact to ensure we as a group are move visible for local and regional politics. Our goals is improving the position of trans* people. We’re aiming for a gender-diverse society and the emancipation of transgenders and the people around them.
Within a gender-diverse society, discrimination of transgender people has no space. We’re not there yet, as discrimination of trans* people is a regular occurrence.
For many LGBTQ+ people it isn’t always an issue, but for transgenders their relation with health care staff is of importance. Transgender people don’t always have autonomy about their identity there, neither as younger people, or as adults.
Within the law, transgender people aren’t specifically protected by our constitutional rights. Only indirect jurisprudence protects them; incomplete judicial protection. People can only change their identity papers from the age of 16, and mortgage papers cannot be changed. For reasons like this, it would be better if sex registration at birth would not be happening.
There is no shown benefit to it, and can be burdensome.
The percentages of suicide attempts, unemployment, social isolation and being labour-incapacitated are clear; people who are non-conforming in their gender identity face more issues more frequently.
Transgender share many things with the rest of the LGBTQ+ community; a coming-out, self-discovery, and pressure of gender-normativity. Yet, they also have their own set of issues which awareness should be raised about, as the current situation is more difficult for trans people than the LGB community. COC aims to help with mechanisms to improve awareness of social stigma and discrimination, with the goal of eventually getting rid of these to create a new ‘elan’.
Fighting for equal rights doesn’t exclude; you can’t fight for one minority while excluding another. Unafraid fighting for a better future, within the COC community, and outside of it.
What does Transgender Limburg do?
What does Transgender Limburg do?
Once a month Transgender Limburg organises a meeting for trans* people in Limburg. This is both for the trans* people, but also their social circle and ‘allies’ where people can socialize and talk in a safe environment. Issues people are facing can be discussed here so that people who have personal experience can help each other out. Experiences can be discussed to help each other grow and to improve acceptation.
Furthermore, Transgender Limburg helps support the meetings of “Ouders van Transgender Limburg”, a help group for parents of transgender people, which is located in Sittard.
Transgender Limburg helps other COC Limburg groups, like Veilige School Limburg, with workshops and education at schools, so that these groups can use the gained knowledge in their work. In doing so, Transgender Limburg aims at improving the acceptance of trans* people visiting these locations, and to ensure that the organisations can provide better support during their activities with transgender people.
To get in contact with Transgender Limburg, please have a look at our facebook pagina or send an e-mail to transgender [@] coclimburg.nl
Meetings will also be announced in the TGL section of our COC Limburg discord.